Nine out of ten (90 per cent) people in Cornwall receive nuisance calls each month, according to a recent survey which has also revealed Cornwall’s top five nuisance telephone calls of 2016.
The YouGov survey commissioned by CPR Call Blocker, makers of a call blocking device, also revealed that almost a fifth (17 per cent) of Cornwall adults have been a victim of a telephone scam. Of those who have been scammed, over a third (35 per cent) said they had lost between £100 and £10,000 as a result with four per cent having lost over £10,000.
The survey also revealed Cornwall’s top five nuisance calls of 2016 are:
1 Calls about PPI refunds (67 per cent).
2 Compensations calls (62 per cent) – being told you are due compensation for a vehicle/work accident.
3 Missed calls/automated calls scam (58 per cent)- a message asks you to call back a number which is a premium-rate phone line.
4 Marketing cold-calls (55 per cent).
5 Pensions and investment scams (14 per cent).
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