Unfortunately most of us now experience an annoying level of unwanted telephone calls. In some cases it’s simply sales calls, PPI claims firms or those automated dialling calls which hang-up just as you’ve rushed to answer them.
More worryingly, many of us are increasingly being targeted by sophisticated scammers, whose sole aim is to trick us into parting with our money, or into giving out our personal details.
The Fair Trading team have been working hard to promote the risks associated with the most common types of scam. We have also been visiting vulnerable victims across Cornwall to educate them on the dangers of phone and mass marketing postal scams, and support them in reducing the levels of post and phone calls they receive.
It is widely accepted that once you have been a victim of a scam, there is an increasing chance that you will get targeted again.
As part of our work, we have been promoting the benefits of call blocking devices. There are now a number of call blocking telephone systems available, at relatively low cost, which can block nearly all unwanted calls.
The Trading Standards Institute has recommended two particular call blockers – TrueCall and CPR Call Blocker. Models range from £40 to £120. The price varies depending on the features and level of control and monitoring you require. The more advanced devices can even allow remote monitoring of the calls received to a number – which can be invaluable to relatives of a vulnerable person who might live alone.
You can find out more about call blockers recommended by the Trading Standards Institute using the links below
- C P R Call Blocker tel 0800 652 7780
If you are concerned that a member of your family has been affected by a scam and require advice, please call the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 04 05 06. If you wish to report a scam, contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 20 40
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