Consumer group ‘Which?’ revealed in a survey that 73% of people in the UK have received a nuisance call at home in the last month. Of those that were surveyed one in 17 also said that they had actually fallen victim to a scam.
The survey also stated that two in five people said they felt intimidated by the nuisance or scam calls and that the problem has now become a daily torment for some people.
The group have now called on government to pass legislation that would see nuisance call company bosses personally liable to pay fines of up to £500,000 in an effort to dissuade companies from liquidating and re-launching under another name to avoid paying fines.
This is an idea that we have also championed in the past and it’s great to see it gaining more recognition in the on-going fight to end all nuisance calls.
If you are being plagued at home or in work by nuisance calls then take a look at our range of call blockers today to rid yourself of the issue once and for all.
Another option to try and reduce the number of nuisance calls you are receiving is to sign up to the Telephone Preference Service.
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